Pre-Sale + Phase-Out Surveys

Selling your boat can be a daunting process, but having it surveyed beforehand can ensure you have peace of mind.

Our knowledgeable and experienced team will be able to provide you with the information you need to make make the best decision about how to proceed with the sale of your boat or fleet phase-out.

Similar to a Pre-Purchase Survey, We excel at uncovering any possible defects, including those of structural or mechanical nature, and providing the estimated market value of the boat.

We usually conduct a survey in-water and out-of-water, and a trial run to ascertain the vessel's overall performance and test the critical components while the boat is underway.

We provide a verbal or written initial report within 24hrs of the survey and an interactive PDF Marine Survey Report with details and digital photographs of the vessel, usually within (5) business days.

Please see our Pre-Purchase Survey service for an overview of what we do, or contact us for more information.